10011461_651183048292699_405119041_nWhen starting a business take a look at your competitors and determine if what you are about to bring to the market is something that will appeal to many.   It’s paramount that we market or produce a product that everyone wants, otherwise there will be no money to support you.

The Tiger Team is a part of World Financial Group, a broker dealer for insurance companies, and our product is money. We help people move their money into places that are safe so they don’t continue working for the same money over and over and they never lose their money.  That’s a pretty good product, don’t you think?

What is your product?  Have you done the research to determine if there are enough buyers to take you to financial freedom?  95% of our population are dead, dead broke, out of work or are not paid what they’re worth.  5% of people have reached financial freedom by finding a niche market that helped them prosper and live the lifestyle of their dreams.

Do your research first and don’t build a business over a few beers with a friend.  You are about to invest both your time and money so make it count.