You’re living off of your 401k, draining all of your savings, running from one networking group to another, and still, you’re broke. It’s been two years, and you’ve tried everything you heard the coaches standing on stage say, but it still isn’t working. The dream of being your own boss and becoming an entrepreneur is quickly closing in on you, and then someone says, “You’re going to have to get a J-O-B.” You’re feeling burnt out and depressed. A job? No way! you think. Well, maybe that’s exactly what I’ll have to do if I don’t make some money fast.

How is your new title as an entrepreneur working out for you? Have you hit burnout yet? How’s the money holding up? Are you headed for a J-O-B just to put gas in your car and food on the table? Have you been feeling overwhelmed by all the different ways you could build your business, so you’re having trouble deciding which path to take? Are you tired of working endless hours every day trying to do the “right” things for your business, only to feel frustrated because you’re in the same position you were in last month, and the month before, and the month before that?


I know what it’s like to live in fear and wonder where your next meal will come from. There was a time in my life when I was standing in front of a big, green dumpster holding my two young children’s tiny hands. As we stood there watching others dumpster-diving for watermelons, I could feel the fear rise up in my core. I had only fifteen cents in my pocket, and a pot of rice and beans was waiting for us in our tiny eighteen-foot trailer parked on the beach. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, but it is one I’ll always remember.

At the point of desperation, it’s not money we need nearly as much as we need knowledge, and it’s knowledge you’ll find in the blogs that follow. You’ve already heard from all those other coaches what you’re supposed to do to build your business and why, but so far it’s all been a miserable failure.

Perhaps, like me, you’ve noticed that no one tells you how to build your business to create a successful income. Isn’t that what you pay coaches and seminar leaders the big bucks for? I’ve decided to break all the rules of secrecy by providing you with the much-needed how.