Business owners and even specialists get in over their head sometimes, leaving an air of insecurity when it comes to solving a specific business problem. In this case they may begin searching for an outside party or fellow entrepreneur that will solve their challenge. This is where a strategy session comes into play.

The strategy session should focus on what you are struggling with and then prove a real plan of action to better your business. Read on to learn more about strategy sessions, what their benefits and disadvantages are, and how to make them work for you.

What You Can Expect from a Strategy Session (The Benefits)

A good strategy session will leave you feeling as if you have a good solution and a plan of action for your next step. It should add a feeling of empowerment, security, focus and relief.

What a Strategy Session Should not Do (The Disadvantages)

The problem with many strategy sessions is that the so-called expert may not have the credentials or the experience necessary to guide you through a strategy session to reach positive results.

If you are left with a feeling of confusion or lack of clarity and focus this may be why:

Sometimes we are left feeling torn down and defeated. If a person is after your money and is not interested in the success of your business, they’ll point out the flaws or mistakes and make you feel bad about the state of your business. Then, they may emphasize how great their program is, leaving you in a place where you feel they are your only answer.

I see many coaches advertising that they can show you how to achieve financial freedom making a 6 or 7 figure income but they’ve never done it themselves and don’t have the expertise in sales to get you there. Do keep in mind that if you want to make money, it’s all about the sales process and if that’s not a part of their training it simply won’t make an income for you.

What’s sad is when an entrepreneur is torn down and the coach or instructor doesn’t have the skills to build them back up. My question is why tear them down at all? It’s hard work being an entrepreneur and we all make mistakes but mistakes are our golden tickets to success. I actually call them my golden mistakes because they can be costly but I learned a lot and I won’t do it again.

The Secret to Providing A Great Strategy Session

  1. Listen carefully to your client’s challenges and then look for answers to their problems instead of pointing out their flaws.
  2. Keep your clients in a positive place, making them hopeful (though realistic) about finding a solution. You should not make them feel pain or pounce on their pain points.
  3. Speak to your client’s in their language. Do not say things that make them feel inferior or insecure.

Bad strategy sessions give coaches who actually try to help entrepreneurs a bad name. If you are a business owner looking for support, be wary of those that make you feel as if they are your only solution. If you are providing strategy sessions, think with your heart and make the session pleasant for both of you.

If you need support in creating great strategy sessions and are interested in learning “The Art of Selling With Heart” please schedule a Massive Visibility Breakthrough Session with Shirlene Reeves. It all begins with the Compel Don’t Sell 2-Day Intensive.

CLICK HERE to schedule your Free 40 minute Breakthrough Session.