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Party 4 Profit

Party 4 Profit

#2 No matter what you’ve decided to market you’ll need to make sure there is an abundance of potential clients for your small business so that you’ll make a great income.

The Tiger Team looks for anyone who wants to be financially secure.  Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to be financially secure and understand money management?  We coach businesses and families looking for the secret to building wealth and abundance and there are plenty of families that need our coaching.

What or who is your market? 

If you’re a painter or contractor you’ll be looking for realtors and home owners who want to spruce up their house and put it on the market.  If you want to start a body shop you might call on insurance companies.  If you choose to be a lender, realtors will be your new best friends and if you decide to sell makeup you’ll want to market women who wear makeup.  It really doesn’t matter what you do if you have done your homework and can focus on a huge group of people to maximize your money and keep the cash flow rolling in.

If you’d like to learn more about how to Maximize Your Money Now download my free ebook at www.shirlenereeves.com.

