If you’ve been taught how to do Strategy Sessions and find it creating anxiety I totally understand. Have you thought about how much anxiety it causes your clients?

Here’s what I’ve noticed…

When we offer a Strategy Session we’re taught to focus on the pain a person is experiencing and then attempt to make your offer make sense of that pain. Sadly this whole process is focused on pain and the negativity of those feelings. When your client is at their rawest point you’re expected to swoop in and resolve the pain by explaining how great your program works.  This technique is frequently coupled by asking, “If you don’t do something about this now how much longer are you willing to experience this pain?”

Yikes!!! This strategy is totally negative and guess what, your clients know you’re going to take them there before you even begin the conversation. They know you want to sell them something and often times they don’t want to set up a Strategy Session because they know it’s going to cost them time and money.

Here’s another thought…

Why would you want to leave your clients in a negative place when you hang up the phone? That’s not a great way to make a new friend or get referrals in the future.

When the pain grows throughout the conversation and the client begins to feel like you have the only answer, based on your comments and how their life might be better, they can become very depressed when the cost of the program is prohibitive to their pocket book.

Bringing a client to the point of feeling raw is not a good place to go especially if you don’t know how to council them into a good place when you hang up the phone. I sure don’t want my clients feeling miserable and thinking negatively about me when we part.

Here’s an example of what I mean. I’m a certified financial educator who is licensed to teach on university and business campuses. I’m finding some entrepreneurs out in the field who believe they can coach others on finance with absolutely no training, no credibility and no licensing.

These entrepreneurs believe that life experience is all they need and what they know is extremely limited and may even be detrimental to others. How would these entrepreneurs know how to guide their clients into a resolution without the proper training and licensing?

Some coaches tell their students that they don’t need credentials but I have to tell you that if you want to become Massively Visible for Massive Income you must have credentials or many background years of experience in the field you’ve chosen.

Try this instead …

  • Focus on keeping your clients in a positive place.
  • Every nod of the head ‘yes’ is a vote for your friendship while building trust in your relationship
  • Listen first to what your clients need and confirm that you have heard them
  • When it comes to pain please refrain
  • Stay away from practicing Strategy Sessions in a business without proper credentials
  • Explain the benefits of your program and how it supports your clients.


Spring Forward with a New Belief


Move from creating Pain and driving fear into your clients to building friendships and trust while sharing creative solutions. Leaving your clients on a positive note adds a willingness to support you with referrals, support them in the comfort of enjoying an uplifting day and builds a bond of relationship between you for the future.

Learn how to Compel your clients to work with you.  Don’t use strategy sessions and hard core sales techniques that make them run the other way.

This 30 video gives great tips for how to relate to your clients.  It’s free and it already has 89 views and 111 comments.  Maybe you might learn something here too.