IMG_0488Now that you know the 5 Myths of Networking you might be asking, if Networking isn’t the way to go what do we do? How about speaking on stage to groups?  That’s a great idea but lets really look together into that theory.

As a Certified Financial Educator, Distinguished Toastmaster and International Thought Leader I keep my finger on the pulse while educating #entrepreneurs on how to become Massively Visible for Massive Income.  I’m very clear on how to improve your financial stability #finideas and speaking in groups is slow going.



.Here’s why…

  1. Myth:  Speaking in groups gives you visibility and gets you business.
    Truth:  Really?  If this was true all of those speaking on other people’s stages would be making a great deal of income.  This is an easy truth determine.  Ask those speaking on stages and you’ll soon see that this is not true.
  2. Myth: Speaking on stages promotes to a bigger audience.
    Truth: This is somewhat true but not realistic.  As noted in my last post we play to small.  These audiences may have a presence of 25 to 60 people, and as usual you see the same people at every networking group so it’s great that you’re practicing but for what?  Exposure, I guess.  But, where’s the money?
  3. Myth: If I speak on stages I’ll make money?
    Truth:  Speaking on other people’s stages costs you time and money.  It costs the summit leader money to obtain the space, promote the event and often times serve lunch unless they ask you to brown bag it.
    In some cases you are expected to run around and gather up people to come to the event and buy tickets.  This costs you valuable time and isn’t it realistic to believe that you usually invite your same friends and business associates just to comply with the host agreement?  Of course you do and then again you have the same people sitting in the audience supporting you that probably won’t buy your product or service because they already have it or it isn’t for them.
  4. Myth:  If set up my own event I won’t have to pay others to speak on their stages.  This way I get to keep the money I make charging for tickets and then I’ll make a lot of money.
    Truth:  Oh wow, this is a painful one for me because I foolishly did it myself.  In this case I’m speaking from experience.  I connected with Macy’s Walnut Creek to kick off Wealthy Woman Magazine and set up a Fashion Show with an awesome turn out but made no money.  The guests loved it but the outcome was was dismal, a total waste of time and money.
    Thank God I broke even but what about my time?  Months went by focusing on only the event and the intricacies of “staying on top of every step.”  I was required to be instrumental in setting everything up because my event coordinator was weak, expensive, limited on follow through and follow up and I was compelled to ask another coordinator to support me the day of the event, and thank goodness she graciously stepped up as a volunteer at the last minute.  Talk about a learning experience.  I call it my golden education.
    Time and again I’ve seen #entrepreneurs step into the lights on stage in their own events and walk away without a penny in their pocket.  Rooms cost money people!  Marketing costs money!  Time costs Money!  So, I ask you is running your own event a truth or a myth?  Try it and decide for yourself.
  5. Myth: Ok, you say, so I’ll look for bigger venues and be discerning about where I speak.  I’ll go outside my own area and fly to speaking events.
    Truth:  You are part way there with this thought.  Getting outside your immediate community is a great idea and makes a lot of sense for new exposure but what is it costing you in time, wear and tear on your body, windshield time on the road and if you paid to speak you are already in the hole financially before you even begin.  If you can talk your host into paying for your travel you’d be a big step ahead but it’s important to look at your expenses verses your income with everything you do as an #entrepreneur working to support you lifestyle.  In every case look at your numbers before making your decision.


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