Seeding Speeches Builds Wealth

I’ve had the opportunity to watch hundreds of speakers do their dog and pony show and the ending is usually peppered with offers.  Don’t you find it exhausting?  I sure do.  It’s a real let down.
In the beginning, when a speaker is announced I look forward to hearing their content.  I spend valuable time listening in hopes that I’ll learn something to put into practice in my business or my lifestyle.  But then, at the end, they hammer in the offers and it drives a wedge of annoyance and a loss of connection between me and the speaker.  Have you ever felt that way?

Did You Know There’s A Better Way To Connect With Your Clients?

One of the techniques I teach speakers in Compel Don’t Sell – The Art of Selling With Heart is seeding speeches builds wealth and they watch me do it and quickly see that they don’t need to make a pushy offer at the end.  If can be soft and connective.  If you are really good at ‘seeding’ the people who are interested in your knowledge or product will find you in the crowd and ask for more information.  All you need to do is get 10 people, out of the audience, to take steps in your direction with interest in your topic.   We discussed this in our last Speaker-Show Host Meet Up Connection on Zoom.

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How Make $$$ While Seeding Speeches to Build Wealth 

A great speech includes the benefits of what you offer.  It really doesn’t matter if it’s a product or service.  If you speak only in benefits your clients will understand what you do, what you believe, AND they don’t need to know how you intend to do it.  In fact they don’t even care how they’ll get the benefit they’re looking for.   All they want to know is what your product or service will do to better their lives.

 Paint your clients’ dream in your speeches to build wealth

What do I mean by “paint the dream”?  The dream is where your clients want to be.  If you know exactly who your target market is, and you’ve taken the time to ask them the right questions,  you’ll know how to paint the dream to better their lives with their very own words.  You’ll know exactly what they need to solve their challenges and overcome the blocks that keep them stuck. Here’s an example that I use when speaking to my clients;

“What if I could show you how to interact with your potential clients in a way that would build relationships and they would ask you how they can work with you? Would that be a good thing?”

That is exactly what my target market wants to hear.  It’s also their goal in business. 

How do I know my clients want their clients to love them, refer to them and think of them any time someone mentions a need that they can fill?  I know because I took the time to pin- point my target market and then ask them carefully framed questions that will support the needs they are looking to fill. 

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Find a need and fill it?”  That’s exactly what you want to do.  Find out what the needs of your pin-pointed target market and speak to their need.  That’s why seeding speeches builds wealth.Now it’s up to you to create your own questions that speak to the dreams of your target market.  Make sure they are clear and concise and focus on the benefits of what you offer.

Start with “What if…..”

Post it here.  I’d love to see what you come up with.

To Discover The Secret To Sales & Seeding your speeches to Build Wealth

CLICK HERE for a FREE 30 Minute Massive Visibility Breakthrough Session.  

I promise I won’t sell you anything you anything.

Seeding Speeches Builds Wealth