The Surprise Top 5 Ways Entrepreneurs Drain Energy & Create Illness Unknowingly!


As leaders on a mission to live our passion and transform people’s lives, we need a lot of energy. Entrepreneurship can be very demanding and sometimes completely overwhelming. At times keeping up with the run can even catch us by surprise with a sudden illness.

If you’re feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or depleted, you could be suffering from hidden energy drains.

We’ve heard about nutrition, exercise and sleep habits to build our energy, but Christina Marlett, the Courageous Self-Care Expert, believes that there is something even more powerful.

Christina’s specialized skill is teaching stressed-out leaders how to shift from running on empty to renewable energy by practicing self-care that goes beyond bubble baths, chocolate and wine.

It’s the kind of self-care that takes courage and support so that you can turn your hidden energy drains into energy generators.

Christina identifies our 5 energy drains as follows;

  1. A problematic relationship with time
  2. Being too hard on yourself
  3. Spending too much time in your masculine side
  4. Holding grudges (with yourself and others)
  5. Suppressing your emotion

In our video interview we talk about 2 of the top 5 hidden energy drains. These are the ones I can certainly identify with so I chose to focus on grudges, and what it means to our bodies to hold a grudge, and the repercussions and solutions for spending to much time in our working masculine side.  Take a bit of time to watch what Christina shares to alleviate illness, balance your energy and  maintain your run.

Put this Courageous Self-Care Tip into action as your first step: Focus on Awareness. Become curious about how these energy drains are showing up in your life. And, check in on the words and phrases you use regularly by asking yourself “why you need to” or “why you have to” do something. Watch the video. Then you’ll be on your way to taking care of yourself first, before changing the world.


Shirlene Reeves

P.S. Take the Next step: Get Christina’s free Daily Self-Care Checklist at this link:

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