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Shirlene Reeves on ESPN Radio, San Diego

Shirlene Reeves on ESPN Radio, San Diego

Click the link to hear the interview  https://youtu.be/rbNSoZKOG90

Being a Certified Financial Educator I’ve spent years interacting with entrepreneurs and small business owners and found that many have the same challenge in common. They work very hard, with lots of long hours, but there is little if any money left in their bank account at the end of the month. Some are even considering going back to work for supplemental income to keep their businesses going.

The fear and anxiety that surfaces around sales can paralyze and doom your business. There are entrepreneurs that are afraid of sales but instinctually believe that bringing their mission and their message to the world is why they are participating here in earth school. They push themselves so hard that they become ill, overworked and physically hit the bottom no longer able to run.

Others who have enough modalities, credentials, knowledge and experience to paper the walls are searching for the answer to who they are and have no idea how to blend everything they know and do into one business. Members of this group usually have searched for years for the answer to this one most important question and after paying many expensive coaches they still haven’t arrived at the answer. The question is, “With everything I know how do I say what I do?” This one question is the platform for the next steps in your business success. Without this answer you will feel paralyzed. After all how can we sell what we do without the answer to who we are?

Two clients came to me last week with this baseline question. One had already spent over $10,000 on her quest, with no results. The other had been working with 2 coaches for 6 months but still hadn’t found her answer. I worked with each of these women for no longer than 2 hours 1:1 to discover their Business Identity. Today they feel a sense of peace and excitement in stepping forward confidently into who they proclaim they are. They say that now when clients ask them what they do they explain their business identity easily with joy, relieved to be beyond the challenge of answering that one deep, undeniably important question.

Stedman Graham shared in his talk, during #YouthSuccessWeek that we live in a skill based age and if not constantly learning and innovating we become obsolete. He says that if you don’t know what to do with your mind others will control your time. It’s important that we are always moving forward, one step at a time, toward our intended goal purposely building the skills we need the most and relate to the least. Sales may be one of those skills and once you have answered and begin evolving into your Business Identity it will be time to begin thinking about how to make money.

The problem is that there is a great divide between knowing what our mission is and the developed skill of sharing that information, service or product with others who don’t even know that they need it. Herein lies the dividing line between those who remain in business and those who become obsolete.

“I hate feeling pushy.”

Some business owners choose to use memorized scripts that don’t work because they can’t relate to the words in the script as their own. Some are pushy, repeatedly asking for the sale until potential clients hide out when they see them coming. Some give glorious descriptions of what they do but are afraid of asking for money because they don’t know how to handle objections. Some don’t even try to sell because they fear rejection or fail miserably because when they’re asked what they do they go into stun mode, not knowing how to respond.

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What do I say to start the sales process?

What Do I Say To Begin The Conversation?

For more than 30 years I’ve been researching, developing and refining the methodology and heartfelt guidance shared in the Compel Don’t Sell Courses. There are easy answers to these painful challenges and learning how to compel your clients to work with you rather than sell them is the answer to this life lesson.

I love the words of my Maui friend, the late Wayne Dyer, ““When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.”

Find out today, do you compel or do you sell?  Once you find out you can ask yourself, “How is what I think I know about sales working for me?”

Take the FREE Compel Don’t Sell Quiz.

