Myth: Speaking on stages gives you visibility, gets you business & makes you money.


Truth:  Really?  If the myth above was true all of the entrepreneurs would be making money #speaking on stages, but they aren’t.  This is an easy truth to determine. All you need to do is ask those speaking, after they step down off the stage, and you’ll soon realize that the majority of speakers are completely oblivious to how they can reach #financial freedom from the stage.  Why, you might be wondering?  What’s missing?  In this article I’ll show you why and how to make money speaking on stages.

Why And How To Make Money Speaking On Stages

Asking ‘why’ gives us pause for thought because there is an answer, a formula for #business speaking success, and a different way to look at the same scenario. If your goal is to make money from the stage, ask yourself these important questions before saying yes to your next speaking gig;

  1. Who have you pin-pointed as your target market?Make money speaking on Stages
    This seems to be an #entrepreneur’s biggest challenge. The truth is you can’t work with everyone. When you attempt to use language for everyone no one hears you. Break your speech down so you speak authentically, without scripts, and include the words your target market are waiting to hear.
  2. Who is the audience I’ll be speaking to? 
    Ask the meeting planner about their audience before accepting the speaking opportunity. If the group is not in your target market I assure you that you will not make money speaking from the stage and in fact you’ll probably have no  more money in your pocket than what you had when you arrived. Know your audience. Without taking these six questions into consideration it is almost impossible to make money speaking on stages.

Here are the 6 questions I teach students, in my #Massive Visibility Media™ course, to ask meeting planners and show hosts before accepting a speaking engagement;

  • Who is the audience? Are they entrepreneurs, #small business owners, employees, #leaders, #women in business, etc?
  • What age range is the majority of the attendees?
  • What percentage are men and what percentage are women? If you focus on women you wouldn’t choose a male dominated audience.
  • What 3 major points would your audience be interested in learning?
  • What price range do they respond to best?
  • Can I make an offer and if not what can I do?

The answers to these questions support you in designing your speech, determining what to offer your audience and provide much needed information for making sure your speech meets the needs of the clients you want to serve.

3.  Have I fine-tuned my speech with the words and phrases my clients are waiting to hear?
Fine-tuning your words and phrases quickly develops trust.  The people in the audience, who need your solutions and support, instantly think she gets me. She understands what I’m going through and I think she’s the one who can help me.  There is a science to learning what these words and phrases are, and it takes a bit of research and time, but it’s well worth the effort.

4.  Is what I’m saying compelling enough to call my clients to me?
If I said to you, “Aren’t you tired of running from one networking group to the next while making very little money? Wouldn’t you love to know the secret to walking away with cash in your pocket?” I ask this question because I work with business owners who are confused about how to sell authentically (without scripts) and they’re down right scared to open a sales conversation. Did my words resonate with you? If they did you aren’t alone. These are the words I use and that’s how I make money from the stage. Fine tune your clients’ words and phrases and you’ll make money too.

HINT: Not everyone in the audience is for you. Even only a few responses can make your time on stage productive and financially beneficial.

Audiences – Your Gage For Better #Speaking

Have you ever been standing on stage and felt like your audience wasn’t interested in what you had to say? You might have noticed them gazing out the window, texting, yawning or shifting in their seats. These are signs that you’ve missed your mark on messaging. Being aware of audience behavior is the easiest way to determine if your speech is reaching potential clients and is prepared correctly for your the audience to whom you are presenting. 

Make Money Speaking on StagesRecently I watched Julia, give a 40 minute talk at a three-day seminar in Sacramento. There were 35 entrepreneurs in attendance, interested in learning strategies for increasing their income and building their businesses. The event planner had seen Julia speak in front of her industry leaders and was so impressed with her speaking style that she invited Julia onto her stage. 

As a virtual Assistant (VA) Julia had done a great job speaking to other VA’s but she didn’t ask the pertinent questions to make her speech resonate with this crowd. Bringing that same speech to the entrepreneurs in this group was a disastrous mistake. Julia was disappointed that she didn’t get any sales and had no idea what went wrong.

Tips For Top Notch Speaking

Later that afternoon Julia and I chatted about her speech and why it didn’t resonate with her audience. Julia had a great opportunity to design and present a speech that explained the benefits of working with a VA and could have outlined how a VA might step in and take over social media, bookkeeping or projects business owners often times don’t have time to complete. Instead she spoke about how to get clients for virtual assistants, and how to price their services, which had nothing to do with this audience.

Julia also didn’t use the words and phrases that spoke directly to potential clients in the room who would pay for her services. Honestly, the way the speech was presented, even I didn’t know where she was going or how I could work with her. Julia learned a valuable lesson about the importance of knowing who the audience is and preparing her talk around their specific needs so she can sell her programs.

Summing It Up

Getting clear on your target market and interviewing the event planner are two very important steps to make money speaking on stages. It can be an awesome opportunity to show off your skills, teach important techniques, and make money. But, that’s just the beginning because the secret to really making a difference in your income, this year, is to know and use the words and phrases your clients are waiting to hear. If you don’t know, then it’s time to do some research or hire a coach that can guide you toward explaining what you do in a way that your clients can understand, appreciate and purchase.

Make Money Speaking on StagesIf you want to learn more about my courses on #Selling Through Your Heart or read my new book on this topic go to

But before you go I’d love to read your thoughts about what I’ve shared on this post.  Do you have any suggestions I might have missed?

P.S. Special Invitation to My Readers

On Wednesdays at 6:00pm PST listen in to Ascended Masters At Work on BBS syndicated radio.  Every week I’m live to answer questions on business, finance and sales. 
If you’d like some free coaching call in to: (888) 627-6008
Listen in: (605) 475-1600

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.  I look forward to your feedback.

Shirlene Reeves