Are you living with or in FEAR of sales?

Is it getting in the way of becoming more successful?

What if you knew the SECRET for overcoming FEAR?

I travel all over the world and have had many opportunities to speak with entrepreneurs who struggle with the sales process and their fears. 

One thing they all have in common is that they don’t like to be sold.  In fact they’ll even avoid a pushy sales person in every way possible, including hiding out, or avoid attending an event because they’ve already been “hammered on” by someone there.

That’s why they experience clients who hide out and try to be invisible when they’re around, won’t return phone calls or make an effort to connect.

Have you ever wondered what drives an entrepreneur’s fearful behavior when it come to sales?

I think entrepreneurs are aware of their fear but I’m almost certain that they aren’t aware of how it shows up in the minds of others when they attempt to sell?  They don’t intend to be pushy and turn people off, but the reality is they do push and pressure, sometimes without realizing the effect they’re having on their potential clients.

I’ve witnessed this behavior for years and I’ve seen both sides; those who push and those who run and hide out. That’s why I created Compel Don’t Sell – The Art of Selling With Heart™.  It’s amazing to see the transformation and watch how a substantial increase in income releases the financial fears.

Dr. Debra Dupree

No one wants to feel pressured to buy a product or service and I’m well aware that the pressured approach, by sales people, may come from a place of FEAR.  So I turned to Dr. Debra Dupree, Founder and President of Relationships at Work, Inc., and a pillar in our Massive Visibility Entrepreneurs Facebook community for some clarity and understanding. Recently Dr. D was awarded Trainer Extraordinaire with the esteemed Certificate of Achievement from SkillPath Corporate Strategies as the 9th highest rated trainer in 2016 based on participant evaluations.

Dr. D emphasized the importance of developing strong communication strategies, expanding our emotional intelligence, and recognizing the clues for different styles of communication in the sales process. When we undertake this personal journey into self-awareness, we tend to increase our professional (and financial) success! We can create a sense of security and safety for ourselves and for our prospects, each and every time we talk to them, provided that we choose to use well-defined active listening skills.

Last night I went to dinner with someone who coined this perfectly, “They can’t hear you if you’re not listening.” Take a moment to think that over.  This one statement says it all.  In other words if you are listening to your client’s needs how can you speak to them in a way that they can hear you?  This is an area where we take a deep dive in Compel Don’t Sell.

Dr. Debra went on to define a scientifically proven fact …the more emotional intelligence you have, the higher and faster your career/business rises. Emotional intelligence is the foundation for the connection between self-awareness, self-management, other awareness, and relationship management.

What it means when FEAR is in full bloom

When FEAR is in full bloom, it triggers a part of the brain that limits cognitive functioning, our ability to read a situation in that moment, and the ability to make good decisions.

So we need to ask, what is this fear all about and how am I dealing with it?  Here are 6 steps you can begin putting into practice right now to overcome and manage your fears;

  • Develop active listening skills by focusing on the sounds at the beach.
  • Be in the moment…think through the moment. Be prepared to interact with positive persuasion.
  • Become aware of your intent and match that with the impact you have on others.
  • Be authentically you and don’t let anyone drive you for results.
  • If you fear not having enough money to live on ask yourself, “Am I ok right now?” 
  • Take a big deep breath and slow down before you begin speaking to potential clients

As Dr. D says, “We can shift how we feel both mentally and physiologically, by shifting the direction of our thoughts.”

Dr. Debra had many more great tips but I thought it might serve you better to interact with her directly so she offered you a special half hour Discovery Show where she shares tips and strategies on how to uncover the BEACH behind people’s behaviors and how to more successfully impact others every time, the first time. When you participate, you get an additional FREE gift… her word-by-word script on how to have that successful conversation!

Watch Dr. D’s interview with me on WMAX.TV, voted BEST OF SEASON #2.

To master your relationships in all walks of life!Visit Dr. Debra Dupree’s website:  Relationships at Work, Inc. for her recent blogs.
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