
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer

Have you ever been stuck in a job that you hate, are miserable when you walk in the door, feel unappreciated and not paid what you’re worth? I totally understand because I was in that place too.

For a year and a half I worked as an administrator overseeing 8 offices for the YMCA and I absolutely hated every minute of it.  People were bitchy, my boss wouldn’t stand behind me when I was required to coach my staff and I felt totally insignificant even though I worked really hard, did my very best and for 12 hours everyday I labored for them and it wasn’t appreciated. I’m embarrassed to say, I cried as I drove into work, and even worse, I took the pain of the day home and made my family miserable too.

After all that I only got a 2% raise at my review.  Talk about a wake up call.  After getting over feeling like a victim, I realized that my life didn’t have to be this way.  I could change everything simply by changing the way I was thinking.  It suddenly came to me that no one can make me do anything I don’t want to do.

I began looking for a way out.  It had to be something that was fun and it had to be wrapped around my passion of leaving the world a better place than I found it. I recognize that I’m on this earth to make a difference.  It was time to start my own business and stop depending on my boss to secure my future. It was time to find something else do, a PLAN B.

I decided to join the Financial Industry because it is the highest paid industry in the nation and it has brought me the ability to live the lifestyle of my dreams while helping families plan for a future of success, joy. and happiness