From my desk to yours.


It’s a known universal principle that you are meant to be happy here in Earth School and receive all you desire. But wouldn’t you agree that sometimes it doesn’t feel that way? I believe the trials you go through are lessons you failed to learn, presented once again.


Where you made a faulty choice or misstep in the past, you can make a better decision next time and escape the pain. But when opportunity presents itself, you have to make the choice to see your part in the challenge, change the way you look at it, and then choose the right steps toward realigning in peace. The question is: Are you awake enough to see your opportunities and the options of peace on your path?

It’s when you talk about your mistakes over and over again that you bring more pain into your life because his behavior literally tells the Universe you want more pain. Talking negatively to anyone who is within earshot, thinking angry thoughts, and blaming others tells the Universe you want more of the same, and so you get more pain. How is that working for you?

Mistakes are your golden lessons

Each time a golden lesson is presented, you are forced to decide whether now is the time for your wake-up call or whether you will continue to wallow in your anger as a victim. Before you decide, the wise action is to take the time to quiet your mind and examine closely your predicament. This examination will enable you to change your ways and create a positive outcome but only if you see yourself in the problem.

The Buddha made it known that, “What you have become is what you have thought.” This is also known as the Law of Attraction. Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into your life whatever you are focusing on. The Law of Attraction uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in your thoughts and materializes them into reality.


In basic terms, all thoughts eventually turn into things. If you focus on doom and gloom, you will remain under the darkness of that cloud. But If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals you aim to achieve, you will find a way to achieve them with massive action and support from the Universe.

The Law of Attraction is considered to be one of life’s biggest mysteries, and very few people are fully aware of how much of an influence it has on their day-to-day lives. Whether you are doing it knowingly or unknowingly, every second of your existence, you are acting as a human magnet by sending out your thoughts and emotions and attracting back to you more of what you put out.

Sending the wrong message

Sending out the wrong thoughts while attracting more unwanted events into your life is why you aren’t living the lifestyle you deserve. Knowing the Law of Attraction is at work within your life is a great cause for celebration!  All you need are the secrets for how to confidently direct the course of your future.  

Wondering how to get there?  Join the  Aloha spiritual book club? These are our topics of focus. You’ll get into the universal flow and expand your mental capacity, stop making mistakes and create more energy. 


“I believe the trials you go through are lessons you
failed to learn, presented once again.”


In the quiet of my little trailer, I stop to breathe, reflect. How had gotten to this place in my life? How did I go from vastly rich to penniless in what seemed like overnight? Clearly I had  many, many golden mistakes to learn from. But then I don’t have the knowledge I need to correct this desperate situation. Then the theory of the life-changing 3 Cs begin flooding into my mind.  Ultimately they would be the very same words that lead me into financial freedom and wealth today.

Closing my eyes, I’m hearing the waves crashing against the shore. The seagulls are calling while flying overhead, and I hear the voices of my darling children bantering back and forth while building sandcastles. How fortunate I am to be alive, healthy, and at peace in this moment, I think.  At a very young age I realized that no matter how life challenges me, there is always something to be grateful for. And so I begin to write.


The 3 Cs—clearing, clarity, and confidence are dump into my mind faster than I can pen them on the yellow pad. Writing while meditating is a practiced art that I picked up at the age of sixteen, and I still use it to this day. While reviewing words that seem more like they were channeled than my own, I vow to act on them diligently. Suddenly I can breathe and I’m feeling confident that there will soon be a shift that will take the three of us into a better lifestyle.

Following the step-by-step system of the 3 Cs changes my life and my income. With it bring loving, caring friends into my world, and I’m surrounded with a beautiful community of entrepreneurs


Clearing your past creates clarity about the lessons learned from the mistakes you unknowingly attract. I say “mistakes you unknowingly attracted” because you can’t blame anyone else but yourself. We all look at the same problem differently, but it’s how you choose to think about the other person or problem that creates pain. It’s simply your perception of what is, and you have the power to change that perception anytime you wish.-

Ask yourself these questions and check off the statements that relate to your behaviors. 

Is This You?

  • Do you always have to be right?
  • Are you walking over another person’s boundaries without thinking about his or her feelings?
  • Is it your practice to think and talk about only you, you, you?
  • Are you a liar, telling stories that aren’t true except in your own mind?
  • Are you a downer, thinking only negative thoughts and whining to anyone who will listen?
  • Do you harbor resentments and hate toward others and cast them out of your life?
  • Have you been critical and judgmental while hurting another’s feelings?
  • Is it your nature to blame everyone else but yourself?
  • Do you anger easily and take control of every decision, making others feel as if they must walk on eggshells to keep the peace?
  • Have you abused, lashed out, or physically hurt those closest to you?
  • Is it your selfish way or the highway?
  • Have you stolen the attention in another’s moment of glory?
  • Are you addicted to alcohol and/or drugs while saying you’re fine and that you’ve got it all under control?

Yoohoo Are You There?

How many on this list do you identify with? Who are you hurting? Why are you lashing out and causing pain for yourself and others?

If you are seeing and experiencing lots of challenges that cause you pain, honey, it’s you. You are the one ingredient that is always the same in the mix, and it’s you that has the power to fix and change it. If you choose not to change your ways, the Universe won’t be open to creating a better life for you.

What if it’s not your fault?

On the other hand, if someone else made the choice to hurt you and you didn’t retaliate or create that person’s pain, it’s not your problem.  You’re not required to take responsibility for his actions because It’s a challenge within that person.

I know of a mom who has a son she loves dearly. Twenty years ago, he cast her out of his life and chose to take on his father’s anger, hate, and vengeance as a result of a messy divorce that occurred over twenty-two years before. Even though his father and his mom have made amends and worked things out, this forty-year-old man-child continues the battle with his mom in his own mind. To this day, he refuses to speak to her even while passing in a narrow stairway. The mom has chosen to create peace in her mind while giving him some space to work through his personal pain.

The purpose of sharing this story is to let you know that some relationships may have no hope of healing. This is because the problem is within the mind of another and nothing can be done until that person sees clearly that the pain was not created by you. The illness resides in his thinking and only he can resolve and release his pain. There is no repercussion for you in letting it go and giving another soul time to heal.

Watch for next week’s video blog post

Next week I’ll be talking about mirroring and I’m quite sure it’s not the mirroring you think it is. You won’t believe what I have to share about my neighbor’s crazy behavior.

Please don’t forget to like my article and make a comment. I’d love to hear from you.

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