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Looking At Time

Time is our Golden Treasure

It takes a tremendous amount of energy and normally a good 3 years of time to really grow your new business from the seed of your dreams to a strong hearty tree bearing the fruit of multiple streams of income that pay for your lifestyle for the rest of your life.

That’s a big dream but it really is doable.  Whatever you dream, it can and probably will be, unless we change our belief in ourselves and fall into the trap of becoming impatient or give up on themselves.

Wow, do I know how that feels.  I’ve almost given up and thrown in the towel on my financial business 3 times in the last 4 years.  Management is not my favorite thing.  In fact I’d rather speak in front of millions than manage a small team.

Super Tip: If people don’t begin working  with you, after a year of training it’s time to move on and find new people.  They say,  “if you can’t change your people, change your people.”  Now I’m having fun with a millennial team of very bright bushiness builders who are excited about the financial industry and a future of success and a future of sharing with others how maximize their building wealth.

