
I speak with so many #entrepreneurs who run from one small networking group to the next and they can’t understand why they aren’t making money.  Well, I wondered that too so I did 5 years of research to figure out why and here’s what I found.

There are 5 reasons why we’re losing money while networking:

  1. Breaking bread with other #entrepreneurs is an effective way to network.
    Truth:  Most of the networking groups have a cost.  If you’re paying for breakfast, lunch and dinner, like I was, you can’t help but go in the hole.  We don’t realize how much this adds up until the end of the year when we are forced to file our taxes and look at the truth.
  2. Staying with the same group allows people to know, like and trust us.
    Truth: We don’t think to evaluate the groups after a year to find out if that group was profitable for our business.  If you take the time to look at what you spent versus the benefits of income you received you may find that you’re losing the money game
  3. We should be attending more networking groups to make more money.
    Truth: We are circulating among the same people in every group.  It’s awesome to see our friends and associates everywhere we go but it won’t make you money. We have to find new people to work with that need us.
  4. There’s plenty of money to go around and plenty of clients to serve.
    Truth: We’re all circulating the same money among these communities and we can’t afford to pay everyone we associate with so #entrepreneurs trade. Yes, we gain a great deal of knowledge and benefit from trades but we don’t make and money.
  5. We don’t need to think bigger.  We only need to charge more.
    Truth:  We are playing way to small.  It’s time to get out of own backyards and really make an impact in the world.  We have our mission and our message but how do we take the next step?  How do we play bigger?  Where do we start?

Here’s where to start…

As a result of my research I decided to educate #entrepreneurs on how and where to begin so I put together the Celebrity Guest Expert TV Training Classes.

These classes share information on what show hosts are looking for, how to talk in 1 minutes sounds bytes, how to boil your business down to 5 to 7 words and create a 30 second video promo that you can use everywhere you go for marketing.  You’ll also learn what looks great on TV and how to make the camera see you as a successful #entrepreneur.

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